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The 3 Meal Challenge – Spring/Summer Edition!

We’re back with the 3 Meal Challenge, but this time, it is Spring and Summer ready! So, take part in our 3 Meal Challenge to save some money, reduce your food waste, and enjoy these yummy summer meals!

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Guest User Guest User

How to Live More Sustainably in Lockdown

As the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown forces us to reassess the way we live, what better time to give some thought to how you can live in a way that’s smarter, more sustainable and kinder to the planet?

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Guest User Guest User

How to eat with the seasons

Eating seasonally is easier than you might think - if you’re in need of some inspiration, then look no further - here are some great ideas for seasonal springtime foods that can be grown right here in the UK

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Guest User Guest User

5 Reasons Why Staying in is the new Going Out

Whether it’s a date night, a birthday or just a Friday evening, one of life’s great pleasures is sharing a delicious meal with your loved ones. Here are five reasons why staying in is ​just ​as good as going out.

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Our Sutton Hoo Heritage

This year is the 80th anniversary since the discovery of the Sutton Hoo Anglo Saxon burial ground. Therefore, it seemed fitting to explore our Sutton Hoo heritage and the meaning behind our logo.

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Josie Nash Josie Nash

The Sutton Hoo Chicken Challenge

Find out what happened when we asked Suffolk chefs and foodies to see how many meals they can make out of a whole Sutton Hoo Chicken.

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Josie Nash Josie Nash

5 amazing reasons why chicken is so good for your health

The popular poultry meat is extremely versatile and can be used in many delicious lunch time and dinner time recipes. Discover the potential health and nutritional benefits of chicken and discover how you can nourish your bodies by eating more lean protein.

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